JOIHF Seeks Designs For T-Shirt Contest

Enter the JOIHF T-Shirt Design Contest for a chance to have your design featured on official JOIHF tees and merchandise!
The Contest is open only to individuals. The Contest is not open to corporations, companies, institutions, organizations, etc.
Each entrant must be 13 years of age or older to submit.
Your submitted design and/or artwork MUST include the name “Jamaica Olympic Ice Hockey”
Every entry must be of ORIGINAL design and must not infringe on third party rights.
Please submit a digital file in jpg, png or pdf of RESOLUTION 300 dpi or higher.
The entrant can design the front and/or the back of the T-shirt.
The entrant can propose a base color for the T-shirt.
Total printing colors should be kept to three or less.
Email entries to along with Entrant’s name, age and postal address.
No more than three entries may be submitted by one Entrant.
Entries must conform to the Entry Guidelines. Entries which fail to do so will be rejected.
There is no entry fee.
By participating in the T-shirt design contest, the entrant acknowledges that the design is wholly original; does not include or incorporate any elements that would necessitate third party consent; and does not violate any copyright, trademark, privacy right or any other third party individual or group.
By entering, the entrant understands that there is no monetary prize or compensation attached to the contest.
By entering, the entrant grants JOIHF/JOIHT and affiliates sole ownership of the design.
By entering, the entrant grants JOIHF/JOIHT permission to make public and otherwise use the winner’s name and country of residence for publicity purposes across all forms of social media, text and video publications.
JOIHF reserves the right to edit, composite, scan, duplicate or altar the design for any purpose which it deems necessary or desirable, without the need for any compensation and/or permission.
The winning entry will be judged by selected JOIHF members and/or affiliates.
JOIHF reserves the right to not select a winner if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.
Extended Deadline: September 15, 2015
Deadline: August 31, 2015
Entries must be submitted via email at