​Jamaican Olympic Ice Hockey Federation A Member of the IIHF​

Our fundraising campaign is ongoing so we deeply appreciate your contribution and support. We welcome contributions at all levels, whether from individuals, community groups, businesses or sponsors.

JOIHF is a public benefit nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization founded under the laws of the United States, as well as under the laws of the State of Colorado. JOIHF also is a nonprofit federation founded under the laws of Jamaica, West Indies.
You can donate directly and securely to JOIHF through Paypal. Just click on the amount you wish to donate below. You will receive acknowledgement outlining your support and your U.S. tax-deduction via email.

Checks should be made payable to Jamaican Olympic Ice Hockey Federation. You will receive acknowledgement outlining your support and your U.S. tax-deduction via an official letter.
Mail donations to:
7887 E. Belleview Avenue, Suite 1100
Englewood, CO 80111 USA
An accredited accounting firm will be monitoring and auditing the distribution of all monies received by and on behalf of JOIHF.
Thank you for joining us in making history!